Wednesday, October 28, 2009

“Free Social Media Seminar in Guelph” - When Value and Education are ignited by a Buzzword

The Guelph Chamber of Commerce recently ran a survey of community small business owners to gain a sense of interest for a proposed all-day information-exchange event to be titled "Guelph Leadership in Information Technology and the New Economy".

The key insight I had in reviewing desired breakout session topics was that almost every respondent requested a session on either Search Engine Optimization, or on leveraging social media. Business people want to know more about social media, and they want more traffic to their websites – but the structure and process to accomplish this remains (perhaps understandably) mysterious.

So, when I partnered with Cam Guthrie of HJM Insurance to present a free seminar on “Marketing with Social Media” as a value-add to his clients, we had strong hopes for a big turnout. And, as it turns out, the initial response has been so strong that we’ve had to change venues from the HJM Insurance boardroom (capacity 40) to the Lakeside Church (7654 Conservation Road in Guelph, Ontario), which holds well over 250 people (the seminar runs from 7:00pm-8:30pm if you are interested – everyone is welcome).

I’m not suggesting that we’ll get 250 bodies in the door, but I am intrigued by the power of a buzzword: “social media” is what everyone is talking about, but few have a sense of how to leverage it for business applications.

The key message that I hope people will take away from the seminar is to not get worried or scared by “social media”. In fact, it is entirely likely that many small- to mid-sized businesses in Guelph would not gain much benefit from social media engagement – at least not unless they really dive in. The fact remains however that people are concerned that they are somehow missing out on something big - and they are pretty motivated to learn more… which brings me to the other thing that intrigues me here: the common desire for education.

The very nature of social media is that it is people interacting with other people. A seminar (or a classroom) is just an internet forum staged live – people exchanging ideas with other people in real time. If you tack the word “free” onto a buzzword that generates motivation and mix it into a public, interactive forum, you draw a crowd quickly.

What is my point? This is all about nurturing dialogue between people – the best marketing efforts are about establishing and nurturing human relationships – without that, you have nothing. That is why this seminar is “free” (and there will be more to come). Cam Guthrie and I both believe that the best “business model” is to be honest, transparent, and informative…

“Sociable”, I guess you could say….