Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What Does “Sociable!” Mean, Anyway?

Contrary to popular belief, Sociable Communications is not, and never has exclusively been a social media agency.  We are an integrated communications agency, and we are extremely conversant in social media best-practices – but it is just one piece of a bigger integrated communications picture with us. 

The root of the company name is in Atlantic Canada.  If you have ever toasted a table of friends, a band or a full-house of revellers in a Halifax, Fredericton or a St. John’s pub (or kitchen party), you won’t say “Cheers” – you’ll say “Sociable!!”  Our company aspires to a style of branding that supports this idea: we believe that successful branding should be engaging, personable, fun, and… well, ‘sociable’.  Oh, and our Chief Communications Officer and co-owner is a Newfie.  So, that’s the story.

Alan Doyle of Great Big Sea - nothing to do with us, really -  just a proud Newfoundlander.