Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Embedding Audio in Your Blog

Just press "play" on the little arrrow above. However, if you are sitting somewhere where you can't listen to the audio.......

As simple as it is to embed video onto a blog, I was having a heck of a time over the past few months finding a reliable way to embed audio – just straight, MP3 audio. I actually wanted audio feeds for my other blog,, but it occurred to me there might be uses for it here too. I was getting ready to just post audio onto youtube with a static image in the background, until I discovered a blog by Jane Nicholls in New Zealand with this helpful tip.

It’s all pretty simple – you just go to, and set yourself up with a free account. The site seems to be pretty similar to youtube, though it is dedicated to educational uses, and more importantly, you can post audio files. It only takes MP3s, but that’s not a big deal.

Once you have uploaded your file, you post it to your account, and voila – an embed code is provided. You just past that into the “edit HTML” box on your new blog posting, and you are off to the sonic races.

One note important though…. The audio feed is set up to start automatically when a visitor arrives at your website – you can imagine this would get annoying if you have multiple audio files on the same page. There if a solution though…. When you have pasted the embed code into your “edit HTML” box, you will see something in the code itself that says "autostart=yes". You simply need change the "yes" to "no", and autostart is disabled, and the audio will play only when a viewer clicks on the play button.


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